80 percent of the world’s energy consumption is based on fossil fuels which account for most of the greenhouse gas emissions that are warming the planet. Climate change is affecting the global economy and has become a defining feature in energy policy making. In this podcast, International Energy Agency Chief Economist, Laszlo Varro, says while efforts to reduce carbon emissions are generally off track, technological progress and investment momentum in the clean energy sector are reasons for optimism.
Laszlo Varro, Chief Economist for the International Energy Agency
Good data and statistics can help drive economies and are the basis for sound policy decisions in both private and public sectors. The advent of ‘big data’ poses opportunities for private companies and public institutions to better understand today`s economic and social trends. A new study by the IMF shows how big data can also provide valuable insight for economic and financial analysis. In this podcast, coauthor Diane Kostroch discusses the benefits and the challenges that come with big data.
Diane Kostroch, IMF economist, Statistics Department.
Dans ce podcast, Randa Filfili, directrice générale de l’entreprise sénégalaise Zena Exotic Fruits raconte pourquoi les petites et moyennes entreprises africaines ont souvent du mal à survivre, et les défis auxquels font face les femmes entrepreneurs. Filfili était de passage à Washington pour participer dans le séminaire intitule, Comment renouer avec une croissance vigoureuse en Afrique subsaharienne dans le cadre des Réunions de Printemps du FMI et du groupe Banque Mondiale.
Randa Filfili, directrice générale de l’entreprise sénégalaise Zena Exotic Fruits.