Jun 27, 2013
De nombreux pays créent des cartels à fin de contrôler le prix d'importants produits de base, dans le but de tirer le maximum de recettes, ou de protéger d'importants secteurs d'activité locaux. Cependant, nombreux sont ceux qui reprochent aux cartels de pénaliser les consommateurs. Nous examinons le pour et le contre des cartels, en partant de l'exemple de la production du sirop d'érable.
Jun 27, 2013
Many countries create cartels to control the price of important commodities because they want to maximize their income or protect key domestic industries. But the use of cartels is criticized for causing higher prices for consumers. We investigate the pros and cons of cartels through the example of the maple syrup industry.
Jun 20, 2013
When it comes to borrowing money on the international financial markets, several countries of sub-Saharan Africa can now access money at cheaper rates than some European nations. The change is historic and could open up exciting opportunities for the continent.
Jun 14, 2013
Despite outnumbering men as college graduates within OECD countries, women are still underrepresented at the very top managerial levels, particularly in finance and business.
In this podcast a group of women veterans of Wall Street describe how they got to Wall Street, what they found there, and offer advice to young women who want to get there.
Read the associated article from Finance & Development magazine:
Jun 6, 2013
Many of the economies of sub-Saharan Africa are performing better than much of Europe. In fact, the region has just completed one of the best decades of growth since the 1960s. This is because it has learnt lessons from the past, say Uganda's finance minister, Maria Kiwanuka who is optimistic about the outlook for the continent.