La dernière édition des Perspectives économiques régionales,prévoit que l’Afrique subsaharienne va connaître une deuxième annéedifficile à cause des multiples chocs qui frappent la région. Dansce podcast, Céline Allard, chef de la division des étudesrégionales au Département Afrique du FMI, discute les pointsessentiels du rapport.
Contributors: Céline Allard, chef de la division des étudesrégionales au Département Afrique du FMI
The IMF's latest regional economic outlook for Sub-SaharanAfrica predicts a second difficult year as the region is hit bymultiple shocks. In this podcast, co-author Céline Allard, says thesteep decline in commodity prices and tighter financing conditionshave put many large economies under severe strain.
Contributors: Céline Allard, Head of the Regional StudiesDivision in the IMF’s African Department
In this Podcast, we speak with Raghu Rajan, India’s central bank governor about the Global Financial Safety Net. Rajan is charged with securing monetary stability in one of the world’s largest Emerging Market economies, at a time when others are stumbling in the face of difficult global economic trends. Rajan participated in a seminar entitled Fortifying the Global Financial Safety Net, during the IMF-World Bank Spring meetings.
Contributors: Raghuram Rajan, Governor of the Reserve Bank of India
The new World Economic Outlook anticipates a slight acceleration in growth this year, from 3.1 to 3.2 percent, followed by 3.5 percent growth in 2017. But IMF Chief Economist Maurice Obstfeld says projections continue to be progressively less optimistic over time.
Maurice Obstfeld, IMF Chief Economic Counselor
While many economists would argue public investment projects in highly efficient countries have a greater impact on growth, recent research by some IMF economists shows that’s not necessarily the case. In this podcast we speak with the IMF’s Andy Berg, who suggests the impact on growth from public investment spending is similar in both high and low-efficiency countries.
Andy Berg, a Deputy Director in the IMF’s Institute for Capacity Development