May 30, 2013
More women in sub-Saharan Africa participate in the labor force than in any other region. But, most still face an uphill struggle to make ends meet. For them, the problem isn't finding work—it's the kind of work they do.
May 30, 2013
La réussite économique d'un pays dépend beaucoup du niveau d'éducation de sa population. Mais Rabah Arezki avance qu'une administration publique hautement éduquée est aussi cruciale pour la croissance.
May 23, 2013
A country's economic success depends a lot on how educated its population is. But as Rabah Arezki argues in an article in June's issue of Finance & Development, a highly educated civil service, in particular, can help promote growth for all.
May 16, 2013
Some economists say that a country’s exports can determine its economic fate. But William Maloney rejects the idea that exports play such a critical role. He says it’s not what you export, but how you do it.
May 10, 2013
With a gradually improving outlook for the global economy, growth in sub-Saharan Africa is set to strengthen to 5.5%, according to the IMF's latest forecast for the region. But growth patterns vary within the region.
May 10, 2013
Grâce à l'amélioration progressive des perspectives économiques mondiales, le taux de croissance devrait atteindre 5,5 % en Afrique subsaharienne, selon les dernières prévisions du FMI. Mais ce chiffre masque des disparités au sein de la région.
May 7, 2013
In recent years, commodity prices have been riding high, and many commodity dependent countries have benefited from these high prices. But this boon is unlikely to last forever: prices may fall, and nations can run out of key commodities.