Jan 31, 2013
Over the past several decades, advanced economies, especially the United States, have seen a striking rise in inequality. David Autor of MIT, argues that trend is driven by rapidly developing technology, which has made highly educated workers much more valuable, and which is pushing others out of jobs.
Jan 23, 2013
The global economy is set to strengthen gradually in 2013, but risks remain. In the latest update to its World Economic Outlook, the IMF projects growth will be 3.5% this year. In this podcast, the IMF chief economist explains that despite the brighter outlook, policymakers need to address risks to the global economy.
Jan 23, 2013
Dans le dernier rapport sur les Perspectives de l'économie mondiale, le FMI prévoit une croissance de 3,5 % cette année. Dans ce podcast, Mr. Blanchard explique qu'en dépit de l'amélioration des perspectives, les dirigeants doivent s'attaquer aux risques qui pèsent sur l'économie mondiale.
Jan 23, 2013
World leaders have avoided a collapse of the global economy, but they must now follow through with reforms to avoid a relapse into crisis, says Christine Lagarde, the head of the IMF.
Jan 23, 2013
Durant ces dernières années, l'évolution en dents de scie des cours des matières premières a porté atteinte à de nombreuses régions, et notamment à l'Afrique subsaharienne. Le sort des pays de la région est en effet intimement lié aux fluctuations de ces prix. Que peuvent donc faire les pays pour se protéger contre ces chocs?
Jan 10, 2013
Selon Acemoglu, la pauvreté ou la prospérité d'une nation sont sans doute autant l'affaire de la politique que de l'économie. Il avance que les pays plus démocratiques dotés d'institutions politiques «inclusives» parviennent à créer et à entretenir la prospérité, tandis que les régimes «extractifs» autoritaires mènent à la pauvreté.
Jan 8, 2013
In the second part of our series on social safety nets in sub-Saharan Africa, we look at practice on the ground. In Burkina Faso, the IMF is working with the government to develop targeted welfare programs. The aim is to identify and help the most vulnerable. But it is still a work-in-progress.
Jan 8, 2013
Globally, over 200 million people are unemployed, according to the IMF. Many European markets and emerging markets are suffering double-digit jobless rates, and youth and long-term unemployment are at alarming levels. What skills then do job seekers in a global labor market need to succeed?
Jan 8, 2013
Social safety nets aren't just charitable handouts, they're an essential way to ensure growth is sustainable, says the IMF. Safety nets range from cash transfers through health care, to public works programs to create employment. Over the last decade, more countries in sub-Saharan Africa have been adopting social safety nets to help their poorest.
Jan 8, 2013
The volatility and price spikes of raw commodities has affected many regions in recent years—sub-Saharan Africa among them. This is because the price of a commodity can make or break the health of a country in this region. What then can countries do to protect themselves from price shocks?
Jan 8, 2013
A nation's poverty or prosperity may have as much to do with politics as economics, says Daron Acemoglu. He argues that more democratic countries with inclusive political institutions create sustained prosperity, while "extractive," authoritarian regimes lead toward poverty.
Jan 8, 2013
Underdevelopment has often been blamed on bad policies adopted by national governments. Augustin Fosu has identified four such policies which he believes have been the cause of inefficiency, overregulation and misallocation of resources
Jan 8, 2013
In the last two decades, growth has accelerated significantly in most of sub-Saharan Africa. Researchers at the IMF have been exploring whether this high growth has also led to, what economists describe as, "structural transformation" on the continent.
Jan 8, 2013
Decades after the end of colonial rule in Africa, and more than one hundred years after the official end of the slave trade in the US, the continent remains among the least-developed regions of the globe. But how far is the trade in human beings responsible for Africa's lack of economic progress?
Jan 8, 2013
Les pays émergents et en développement ont remarquablement résisté au récent marasme économique. De la crise asiatique des années 1990 à la crise de 2008, ils ont vite rebondi, prenant même de l'essor. Comment expliquer cette amélioration de la performance ? Abdul de Guia Abiad remonte aux sources de nombreux cas de réussite et cerne quelques facteurs communs.
Jan 8, 2013
La crise financière mondiale a mis en évidence l'augmentation des inégalités de revenus dans le monde. Thomas Piketty a étudié cette disparité croissante ces dernières années et plaide en faveur d'une imposition progressive pour atténuer cette tendance.
Jan 8, 2013
Devant la recrudescence de la hausse des prix des produits alimentaires et pétroliers, Samya Beidas-Strom, économiste au FMI, montre que la volatilité de ces prix peut être atténuée.
Jan 8, 2013
Despite their oil wealth, the countries of the Central African Economic and Monetary Community still struggle with the "Resource Curse". Sharmini Coorey, Director of the IMF's Institute of Capacity Development describe the challenges of managing oil wealth in the region, and outline policies that could help overcome them.
Jan 8, 2013
China's current account surplus has declined dramatically over recent years. Many economists believe this signals a much needed rebalancing of the world's second largest economy toward domestic sources of growth. So, what's the reason behind this drop and what does it mean for the rest of Asia?
Jan 8, 2013
Financial crises have been with us for hundreds of years. From the currency crisis of the Roman Empire to more recent events such as the 2008 financial meltdown, financial crises have been pervasive in market economies. Gary Gorton argues that crises are inevitable, but that with the right policies, their effects can be mitigated.
Jan 8, 2013
Selon Kemal Dervis, trois tendances fondamentales sont aujourd’hui à l’œuvre au sein de l’économie mondiale : la convergence de la croissance des économies émergentes et avancées, l’interdépendance des mouvements conjoncturels des différents pays et la divergence des revenus au sein des sociétés.
Jan 8, 2013
Historically, countries that are rich in mineral and commodity resources, like oil, copper or coffee, for example, have had lower rates of growth compared to nations which don't enjoy those advantages. It's a phenomenon dubbed the nature resource curse." Jeffrey Frankel outlines ways he believes the natural resource curse can be mitigated or even avoided.
Jan 8, 2013
After a period of high growth between 2007 and 2010, Malawi's economic situation took a turn for the worst. Between 2010 and 2011, growth fell two percent from 6 and a half percent. But since April this year, when a new administration took office, the country has been enjoying renewed stability and revitalized relations with partners.
Jan 8, 2013
Après une période de forte croissance entre 2007 et 2010, la situation économique du Malawi s'est détériorée. Le taux de croissance qui se situait à 6,5 % en 2010 a perdu 2 points en 2011. Cependant, depuis avril, avec l'entrée en fonction d'un nouveau gouvernement, le pays connaît un regain de stabilité et renoue le dialogue avec les bailleurs de fonds.
Jan 8, 2013
La croissance de l'économie chinoise se modère, mais cela n'est pas nécessairement négatif. Le FMI dresse un bilan de la deuxième économie de la planète.